Our Blog

Check out the latest posts form our blog - from posts about our work to thoughts about life and technology as a whole

Big Data - is it helpful and for whom?

Big Data - is it helpful and for whom?

Big Data is popular topic in the recent years. Described in different ways and related to data. The ever-increasing volumes of data in the world. Most of the people talk about it and most of the corporations use it.

REST is not from yesterday

There is a lot of buzz these days about REST APIs, newly born Javascript frameworks like Angular and Ember, Node.JS and so on.

Check the demo of our service

Check the demo of our service

You don't want to register yet? No problem, you can use a demo account to get acquainted with the service we have developed and backend we offer

We are live

We are live

After months of planning and development, we finally released the first beta version of our gaming services. Check what we offer to our customers

Startup - This dirty word!

Startup - This dirty word!

I have the bad feeling that startup will become a dirty word very soon. A word, describing company raising and spending huge amount of money for making non-sense. Let’s try to work on ideas that are worthfull and really helpful for people. The greatest way to earn is by helping people. Non-sense may be a strong word, but some very odd things were born out there - USB wall chargers, USB charge meters and other stuff that make “Trabant perfume” sounds reasonable (“Trabant” is a low-cost car from the Eastern Block with 2-stroke engine - thus the specific smell).

Everything new is well-forgotten old

I'm a little frustrated by the domination of fashion trends over technology. Probably this has happened earlier...

What's next

Current beta version is just the beginning of our services. We plan to improve and enhance the features and offer various options to our users

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